The United States Army provides the single largest contingent to the MFO. The different activities provided by the US contingent are described below.
US contingent personnel fill many key leadership positions on the Force Commander's staff including personnel, operations, logistics, medical, engineering, communications, force protection, safety, and aviation. Task Force Sinai (TFS), the US headquarters, is organized to provide command and control and administrative support to all US soldiers assigned to the MFO. Many US personnel are dual-hatted, serving functions for both the MFO and TFS.
Task Force Sinai
Support Element
Security Battalion
The United States has provided combat arms personnel in support of the MFO mission since its inception. Their mission is to occupy the southern sector of Zone C and to observe and report in accordance with the Treaty of Peace and its Protocol. The unit operates remote sites in this sector on a 24/7 basis as well as routine mobile patrols.
After January 2002, the Security Battalion has come from either the Army National Guard or the Active Component. At first, National Guard personnel also served six month tours of duty but in January 2005, tours were extended to one year. Currently, tours are for nine-month periods.
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